The Dad and Partner pay - will be available to eligible working fathers and partners who:
The SchoolKids Bonus - replaces the Education Tax Refund. Around a million families will receive a cash handout of $820 for every high school child and $410 for every primary school child as part of the new bonus. The direct, upfront payments require no paperwork.
Family Tax Benefit Part A - the Government will limit eligibility to young people under 18 years of age or, where a young person remains in secondary school, the end of the calendar year in which they turn 19. Individuals who no longer qualify for FTB Part A may be eligible to receive Youth Allowance.
Parenting Payment
- All unemployed single parents will lose the Parenting Payment when their youngest child turns eight. For unemployed partnered parents, the payment will stop when their youngest child turns six. Although the cut-offs were introduced in 2006, it did not apply to parents who were already receiving the support payment. Now, it will apply across the board and force these parents on to the Newstart Allowance while they seek employment. Also, recipients of the Parenting Payment will have compulsory part-time participation requirements when their youngest child turns six.
Newstart Allowance - There will be a more generous income test for single principal carer parents on Newstart Allowance that will allow them to earn around $400 more per fortnight before ceasing eligibility for payment.
Overseas Travel - Individuals can travel overseas and continue to receive income support payments such as the Parenting Payment, Austudy, Rent Assistance and Family Tax Benefit Part A and B – among others – for only six weeks as opposed to 13 weeks.
Telehealth Services - the government will restrict telehealth services to those patients for whom distance is the most significant barrier to accessing specialist care, meaning the eligibility criteria for the Medicare Benefits Schedule will be amended to exclude patients in outer metropolitan areas and major cities of Australia.
Income Support Payments - Recipients of eligible income support payments will benefit from the introduction of a new lump sum Supplementary Allowance. The means-tested, tax-free, indexed payments will be an additional $210 a year for singles and $350 a year for couples – paid in two instalments in March and September
Baby Bonus - payment for second and subsequent children will be cut from $5,000 to $3,000.
Family Tax Benefit Part A - The maximum rate will increase by $300 a year for families with one child and $600 per year with families with two or more children. The base rate of the Family Tax Benefit will increase by $100 per year for families with one child and $200 per year for families with two or more children.
Newly unemployed Australians and students
- will no longer have to wait 13 weeks to access income support if they have liquid assets of up to $5,000 for singles without children and $10,000 for all others.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme - will begin operating in up to four locations across Australia. 10,000 participants will start being assessed, increasing to 20,000 from mid-2014.
Self-managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) - trustees will be subject to a new exacting administrative penalties regime which gives the ATO power to issue penalties, rectification and "education" directions to individual trustees who contravene the SMSF rules.
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