Welcome to our first newsletter of the 2015/16 financial year!
We have recently welcomed Lesley Delalande to the team at Maxwell & Cameron. Lesley is a member of CPA and completed her Bachelor of Business in 1984. She has many years experience in the accounting industry and we look forward to working with her.
We are excited to announce that Angela Ross has recently returned from leave after welcoming her first child in August 2013.
This month we said goodbye to Kyla Bugg. Kyla has been with Maxwell & Cameron since our inception in 2000 and worked with Christine Cameron and John Maxwell for five years prior as well. We would like to thank Kyla for everything over the past 20 years and wish her all the best in the future.
Kind Regards
The Team
Maxwell & Cameron Pty Ltd
Helping taxpayers get it right this tax time on rental properties
That's right - absolutely no upfront cost to prepare your tax return and your refund is paid directly to your bank account. Come and see our friendly team to find out how (conditions apply).
Our website offers you interactive services where you have access to your own password protected secure area to send us files and documents or view your personalised documents such as tax returns or benchmarking reports.
We are committed to providing a comprehensive range of practical accounting services for today's economic environment to enable our clients to realise their goals – we make it our business to make your business more successful! If you appreciate the service we offer, the greatest compliment you can pay us is by referring people whom you feel would benefit from the use of our services. Don't forget to let us know if you make a referral so we have the opportunity to show our appreciation.
If there are other people you know who would like to subscribe to our newsletter, they can sign up by visiting our website.
82 High Street
North Rockhampton
QLD 4701
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation