Our year in review:
2020 has been a strange year and when we were getting ready for Christmas last year, we were blissfully unaware of what was in store for us.
Luckily for us, we seem to have weathered the year well with little impact from the virus. All of the Maxcam families have stayed safe and well. While a few plans have been disrupted and we had to deal with a few things we didn't expect, we can all look back on 2020 as a successful year.
Jenny headed off to Canada in March to visit her son just before the travel bans started. She had to cut her trip short and do two weeks of home isolation, but luckily for us accountants, these days we can work from anywhere. She had plenty of work to keep her busy while in isolation. Her husband, Barry, painted the house during the isolation time so Jenny could work uninterrupted inside while Barry was outside. Jenny also welcomed another grandchild in August - Jordy is now 4 months old and joins Mason who is just over 2&1/2 years.
Christine took a long holiday and travelled around Queensland and Northern Territory for 3 months with her husband Ray and some friends, starting in July. While her plan was to visit Western Australia, they didn't want her there, so she spent more time in the NT and visited lots of places she hadn't been before. Of course, she is looking forward to her next trip as she loves the camping life, so Western Australia will certainly see her in the future!
Angela and Karlie dealt with home schooling and working from home with a few tears and tantrums - at least none of us could hear them anyway and they were always happy on our daily catch-up calls.
Aliesha was home with her children on maternity leave until October, after welcoming Amori to her family in October 2019. She now has 2 boys and 2 girls and is happy to be back at work for a break.
We welcomed Sharleen to the team in March - just before the office closed for 3 months. Luckily, she was still able to come in and work from the office to do all the things we can't do from home. Sharleen has taken to her role with us fantastically and is a great asset to the team!
We all managed to keep up with the extra work brought on by COVID and the many changing rules for JobKeeper and other government assistance.
As the year has wound down, we have spent a lot of time reflecting on the year and things we are grateful for, even though the world has changed so much this year!
Aliesha - I'm usually not one for personal sentiments, but after 2020 I can conclude that I AM super mum but I am not super human. Having so much time at home with my kids has definitely reminded me to accept help when it is offered to take care of myself to be the best person I can be so that I can be the best mum I can be.
Karlie - I am grateful for the chance COVID closures gave me to just 'be' and enjoy my young family. I grew even more appreciative of the help I get from my parents and in-laws on a regular basis and I was very relieved my elderly grandparents stayed safe and well and will hopefully be around for many more years and able to make many more memories.
Angela - 2020 gave me the opportunity to slow down and refocus on what is important in life, and that is quality time with family and friends.
Jenny - We are so fortunate here in Rockhampton to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We have beautiful warm weather, beautiful parks and beaches close by and heaps of wide-open spaces. Plenty to do when we take the time to look at what's close to home.
Sharleen - This year has given me time to appreciate family time and to spend time with them whilst we can.
Christine - There is so much to see in Australia so having to take holidays here isn't a bad thing.
We are looking forward to a break at Christmas and will close the office on Wednesday 23rd December, after having our usual end of year party at lunch time. Hopefully, all our clients will manage to have a restful break over the Christmas/New Year period, and we all hope 2021 will start in a positive way and our lives will get back to normal.
We stopped sending out Christmas cards a few years ago and again have made donations to charities with the money we would usually spend on cards and postage. This year we have split our donation between Mission Australia and White Ribbon Australia, to help them to assist vulnerable families and spread their message to all Australians to care for each other.
Please stay safe, well and happy over the Christmas period and we hope everyone get's what they want from Santa this year. Celebrate well and enjoy some family time. Fingers crossed next year is back to normal.
Who doesn't love a good Christmas Light Display! Jenny goes all out EVERY year. Aren't these lights simply beautiful.....
From everyone here at Maxwell & Cameron, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kind Regards
The Team
Maxwell & Cameron Pty Ltd
*Discussions regarding superannuation contributions may be the provision of financial advice and may require the preparation of a Statement of Advice.
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