EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT - what is Maxwell & Cameron Super Vision Pty Ltd? Click here to find out more.
THE CLOCK IS TICKING - Don't forget the lodgement deadline for 2013 Tax Returns is next month. If you haven't sent us your 2013 information to allow us to prepare your Return, please do so as soon as possible.
SUPERSTREAM - Some of our SMSF and business clients will be affected by the new SuperStream government reforms. Some of these reforms require action by 31 May 2014, so check out our articles in this edition regarding the new legislation for employer superannuation contributions to SMSFs.
As we are now into the final quarter of the 2014 financial year, it is time to think about pre year end strategies. Have you budgeted for your 2014 tax bill? What can you do to minimise your tax before the end of the financial year? Are there any new laws coming into affect which will apply to you? Do you need help with cashflow forecasting? Let us help you start the new financial year on a positive note.
This month's featured client is Rockhampton Car Sound - Rocky's ONLY professional stereo, alarm and navigation specialists.
Having been in the industry for more than 25 years, Rockhampton Car Sound has built up a strong network within the car audio community. Through their experience and contacts with some of the most regarded car audio fitters in Australia, Fred, Carolyn and the team at Rockhampton Car Sound have the upper hand in car audio, multimedia, security and navigation.
For more information visit http://rockhamptoncarsound.com.au/
Rocky Twirlers Square Dance Club have clogging classes on Saturday mornings from 9.00am – 10.00am at the Rockhampton Square Dance Centre, 62 Fitzroy Street, Rockhampton.
Clogging is a mix between tap dancing, line dancing and 'River Dance'. You don't need a partner. It can be energetic depending on how much effort you want to put in and as a result can be great exercise. You are not required to memorise routines. Clogging is social, there are no competitions, it's just great fun. Even if you have two left feet, Michael and Rachelle can teach you how to clog! They use all sorts of music, ranging from country to top 40. All ages are welcome, just wear comfortable shoes.
For more information visit http://www.rockytwirlers.blogspot.com.au
Our website offers you interactive services where you have access to your own password protected secure area to send us files and documents or view your personalised documents such as tax returns or benchmarking reports.
We are committed to providing a comprehensive range of practical accounting services for today's economic environment to enable our clients to realise their goals – we make it our business to make your business more successful! If you appreciate the service we offer, the greatest compliment you can pay us is by referring people whom you feel would benefit from the use of our services. Don't forget to let us know if you make a referral so we have the opportunity to show our appreciation.
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82 High Street
North Rockhampton
QLD 4701
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