12 months ago my wife and I decided that after our wedding we would make the move from Mackay to Rockhampton. I was worried... I had just made the decision to move away from all of my family and friends, to a town where the only people I knew were the in-laws.
It has turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I feel I have come so far in my ability at work over the last 12 months thanks to everyone at Maxwell & Cameron. This has helped me enjoy my job more, which has made me happier outside of work.
My point is, instead of looking at the negative side of change we should look at the positive sides as well. If there is a big decision to be made, whether it be in relation to business, work or your personal life, figure out all the positives rather than focusing on all the negatives. As they say, a change is as good as a holiday.
82 High Street
North Rockhampton
QLD 4701
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