Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) time is fast approaching ⏰
The FBT Year ends on 31 March 2025, so it is important to make sure you are on top of your FBT obligations.
If you have any questions regarding your FBT obligations, do not hesitate to contact our office.
Stay up to date by following us on Facebook!
We offer a wide range of services to help you run your business as effectively and as stress free as possible.
Our specialist services include SMSF services, business acquisitions & mergers, estate planning plus many more.
Need help with GST, audit and tax returns? Our team can assist you with all your taxation and auditing needs.
Maxwell & Cameron Accountants was established in 2000 by John Maxwell and Christine Cameron at our current premises at 82 High Street, North Rockhampton. Upon John's retirement in 2006, Jenny Thompson joined the firm as a partner.
An internal restructure in 2021 saw Maxwell & Cameron under new ownership with longstanding employees Karlie Offord and Angela Ross taking over the practice.
Karlie and Angela are determined to build on Maxwell & Cameron's reputation for accuracy, reliability and personal service that the previous partners worked hard to establish.
We are excited to move forward furthering our relationships and business expertise to ensure the continual success of both Maxwell & Cameron and our valued clients well into the future.
The MaxCam team remain dedicated to providing expert advice on taxation, accounting and business services to guide our clients to financial growth.
82 High Street
North Rockhampton
QLD 4701
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation